American Goldfinch in Spring

by Trina Ansel
Comments (10)

William Tasker
Gorgeous shot with great colors, Trina! Your beautiful image has been featured by Wild Birds Of The World. L/F
Trina Ansel replied:
Thank you, William, for the compliment and feature of "American Goldfinch in Sprng." I appreciate it! :)

Don Columbus
Congratulations Trina, your work is Featured in "A Birding Group - Wings"!
Trina Ansel replied:
Thank you so much, Don, for the feature of "American Goldfinch in Spring" in the group " A Birding Group-Wings." I appreciate it!

Anita Faye
Perfect color combinations Trina! Featured on Poetic Poultry! http://fineartamerica.com/groups/poetic-poultry-.html
Trina Ansel replied:
Thank you so much, Anita, for the feature of "American Goldfinch" in the group "Poetic Poultry." I appreciate it! :)

Randy Rosenberger
It is a true honor to bestow upon you the special recognition, of being Featured on our homepage, due to the professional quality, creativity, and pure beauty of this fine piece of art work. As administrator of the Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery group, I am proud of you for this accomplishment. I Liked and Faved. R.B. Rosenberger (admin. of the WFS group)
Trina Ansel replied:
Thank you, Randy, for the feature of "American Goldfinch" in the group "Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery" group. I really appreciate it! :)

John Bailey
Congratulations on being featured in the Fine Art America Group "Images That Excite You!"
Trina Ansel replied:
Thank you, John, for the feature of "American Goldfinch" in the group " Images That Excite You!" I appreciate the compliment! :)