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Beautiful Red Mums Photograph by Trina Ansel

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Comments (10)

Liesl Walsh

Liesl Walsh

Beautiful! l/f

Trina Ansel replied:

Thank you so much, Liesl! :)

Liz Alderdice

Liz Alderdice

Gorgeous! l/f

Trina Ansel replied:

Thank you so much, Liz!

Jaroslav Buna

Jaroslav Buna


Trina Ansel replied:

Thank you so much, Jaroslav!

Luther Fine Art

Luther Fine Art

Congratulations on your fabulous artwork being featured in one of FAA's newer Groups - Camera Art! You are invited to archive your work in the Features Archive thread! group or any other thread that it would fit in! LF

Trina Ansel replied:

Thank you, Luther Fine Art for the compliment and feature in the group "Camera Art!" I appreciate it! :)

Sharon Duguay

Sharon Duguay

Congrats on your Showcased feature Trina ,beautiful capture l/f

Trina Ansel replied:

Thank you so much, Sharon!

Carolyn Rosenberger

Carolyn Rosenberger

Congrats on your Showcased Artist Feature! Beautiful colors and shapes! L&F

Trina Ansel replied:

Thank you so much, Carolyn! I appreciate it!

Donna Kennedy

Donna Kennedy

Congratulations on your Showcased Artist of the Week Feature in WFS!!...L

Trina Ansel replied:

Thank you so much, Donna! :)

Randy Rosenberger

Randy Rosenberger

A big congratulations to you for being chosen as our 'SHOWCASED ARTIST' of the week for the Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery group. Your art works are very indicative of a professional, and it is a true honor to "showcase" your art pieces for this week in this new venue we are providing for our members. Thanks for your awesome submissions, and it is an honor to have you as a member of our family of friends and fine artists within the WFS group. Special thanks and congratulations from your administrator, Randy "Elvis" Rosenberger

Trina Ansel replied:

Thank you so much, Randy, for the compliment and feature of "Beautiful Red Mums" in the group "Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery." I appreciate it!

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Beautiful Red Mums by Trina Ansel
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