Beautiful White Irises

by Trina Ansel
Comments (9)

Gary F Richards
Excellent capture light, shade, colors, and artwork! F/L … voted for this piece in the Contest WHAT HAVE YOU DONE FOR ME LATELY - JUNE 2021.

Jordan Hill
Congratulations on being featured in the FAA Group ‘The Outdoor Photographer' To ensure your feature remains available over time, post your featured images in the Group's 'Thanks for the Feature / photo archive
Trina Ansel replied:
Thank you, Jordan! I appreciate the feature in "The Outdoor Photographer" group.

Randy Rosenberger
Hurrah! Your lovely piece of art from your portfolio of beautiful artistic pieces, has been chose to appear as a feature on the homepage of the Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery Group of Fine Art America. I am proud that you have chosen to be a member of our family of friends and fine artists. You will be featured more than most groups feature works, as I change up and work on my homepage each and every day. It is an honor to have you as an active member of our group. Thanks for sharing your lovely pieces of artwork with us.
Trina Ansel replied:
Thank you so much, Randy! I appreciate the feature in the group "Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery."