Common Starling

by Trina Ansel
Common Starling
Trina Ansel
Photograph - Photo
A beautiful common Starling perched on a branch, in the spring time. The Common Starling has a wide variation in plumage. Both sexes are similar, although the female is less glossy than the male. In autumn, when the plumage is new, birds are glossed black, with a purple and green shine, and the tips of the body feathers have large white spots. At this time the bill is dark and the legs are brown. With wear, the white spots are lost, while the bill and legs turn yellow. During the breeding season adults become glossy-black without any spots. Young birds are dull grey-brown.
May 13th, 2016
Comments (10)

William Tasker
Hi Trina! Your crisp and gorgeous image has been featured by Wild Birds Of The World. L/F
Trina Ansel replied:
Thank you, William, for the compliment and feature of "Common Starling" in the group "Wild Birds Of the World." I appreciate it! :)

Robyn King
Congratulations your beautiful work is being featured in the World We See Group:-)
Trina Ansel replied:
Thank you, Robyn, for the feature of "Common Starling" in the group "World We See." I appreciate the compliment! :)

Anita Faye
Found this exquisite capture in Poetic Poultry's image gallery and refeatured! ;) http://fineartamerica.com/groups/poetic-poultry-.html
Trina Ansel replied:
Thank you so much, Anita, for the refeature of "Common Starling" in the group "Poetic Poultry." I appreciate it! :)

Hanne Lore Koehler
Magnificent capture of this extraordinary common starling, Trina! Gorgeous colors and focus! L/F

Don Columbus
Congratulations Trina, your work is Featured in "A Birding Group - Wings"!
Trina Ansel replied:
Thank you, Don, for the feature of "Common Starling" in the group "A Birding Group-Wings." I appreciate it!

Anita Faye
Exquisite feather design, perfect pose Trina! Featured on Poetic Poultry! http://fineartamerica.com/groups/poetic-poultry-.html
Trina Ansel replied:
Thank you, Anita! I appreciate the compliment and feature in the group "Poetic Poultry."