Little Sleeping Goldfinch

by Trina Ansel
Comments (9)

Robyn King
Congratulations your beautiful work is being featured in The World We See Group:-)
Trina Ansel replied:
Thank you, Robin, for the feature in the group "The World We See." I appreciate the compliment! :)

Anita Faye
Trina, happy to feature your beautiful work on Poetic Poultry 3/31/2018! https://fineartamerica.com/groups/poetic-poultry-.html
Trina Ansel replied:
Thank you so much, Anita, for the compliment and feature in the group "Poetic Poultry." I appreciate it! :)

John M Bailey
Congratulations on your feature in the Fine Art America Group "Images That Excite You!"
Trina Ansel replied:
Thank you, John, for the feature in the group "Images that Excite You!" I appreciate it!

William Tasker
Lovely! Your beautiful and identified bird image has been featured by Wild Birds Of The World, a nature photography group. L/F
Trina Ansel replied:
Thank you, William, for the feature in the group "Wild Birds of the World." I appreciate it!